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Kym Arcuri


Over 35 years of experience in the chemical process area. Extensive experience in catalyst development, experimental design, data workup and performance evaluation in areas of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, autothermal and steam reforming, methanol production and hydroprocessing. Assisted in the development of numerus pilot plants and process models associated with either the components or complete commercial facility (ISBL and OSBL). Familiar with most laboratory and commercial manufacturing steps for catalysts related to the above processes

2015 (April) to present, Independent Contractor

• Consultant for and technology and process development in the areas of GTL/BTL syngas generation and cleanup. Process Modeling for Methanol and Fischer Tropsch synthesis. Generation and workup of pilot plant and laboratory data associated with hydroprocessing of petrochemical and bio related feed stocks. Other activities involved process and economic comparisons for the production of transportation fuels based on ethanol, natural gas, biomass and conventional crude feed stocks. In other areas, assisted EPC companies in developing fluid bed models associated with pyrolysis and adsorption/regeneration. Currently developing proprietary fuel emulsion technology and selective aromatic adsorption from crude and derivative products.

2008 – 2015, Vice President of Engineering, Emerging Fuels Technology

• Conducted numerous engineering evaluations on thermal efficiency of several gasifier, ATR/SMR reformer and pox systems combined with power generation, FT synthesis ammonia and methanol production. This includes direct, indirect, down flow and entrained reactor systems. Specific attention was given to syngas clean up to <0.01 ppm levels for sulfur, alkali, metals and halogens.

• Compared and contrasted catalyst systems for the production of transportation fuels. This included ethanol, NG, bio derived oils, and pyrolysis oils as well as crude oil derived feedstocks.

• Evaluated conversion kinetics and gas cleanup of commercial primary and secondary reformers for use in using refinery fugitive fuel and hydrocarbon streams for syngas production.

• Completed 4 FEL-3 Engineering Analysis and two detailed designs for combined BTL gasification combined with FT processing SPK or diesel.

• Assisted in the development of high pressure biomass gasification process and integrated thermochemical biorefineries.

• Overseeing technology effort for integration of DME to gasoline and FT synthesis technology into high pressure gasification system.

• Developed process models with various process integration scenarios for GTL, BTL, and CTL and combined thereof for production facilities up to circa 5000 bpd. Evaluated combinations ranging from minimum capital, minimum energy consumption and maximum product yields.

• Expertize in sizing and designing most major chemical conversion, hydroprocessing, heat transfer and separation equipment associated with GTL, BTL and CTL processes.

• Prepared Integrated Process Engineering packages for FT, hydroprocessing, syngas generation, methanol synthesis, methanol to gasoline and related gas cleanup systems.

1998 - 2007, Technical Director, Syntroleum Corporation

• Responsible for establishing/coordinating/reviewing all R&D activities in the syngas generation, Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis and biomass to liquids technology.

• Evaluated commercial and developing syngas generation catalysts. Tested several commercial autothermal and steam reforming catalyst in laboratory through large pilot units (100 bpd liquid production). Designed autothermal reactor systems from lab scale through to 1 MMscfd NG.

• Worked with commercial catalyst vendors of pre-reforming and reforming catalyst for application into new and step out syngas generation systems.

• Established commercial ATR design basis, supervised construction/operation of 100 bpd system.

• Responsible for presenting core technology in due diligence presentations.

• Syngas clean up with respect to sulfur and reactive nitrogen.

• Designed and operated various FT fixed bed and slurry lab and demonstration facilities.

• Responsible for the testing program for fundamental reaction parameters in ATR and FT systems.

• Design of Pilot Plant Slurry Bubble Column (2000 – 2001)

• Integration of Fischer Tropsch synthesis into Biomass to Liquids conversion processes

• Continued in the development and implementation of several separation and recovery processes involving unwanted explosive systems (under US DOD Demilitarization process) with Gradient Technologies.

1991 - 1998, the Environmental Excellence Group

• Provided technical guidance in development and implementation of R&D projects involving mass transfer and chemical conversion technologies. Projects included multiphase reactor systems, absorption, extraction, and crystallization processes.

• Assisted in developing strategies involving patent applications for Fischer Tropsch catalyst, and process patents. Experience includes strategy and data needs for interference cases.

• Worked with ammonia plants on the impact of trace sulfur and aromatics from non-traditional syngas sources.

• Assisted Shell R&D in development and process integration of improved ethylene oxide systems.

• Assisted in development and implementation of several separation and recovery processes involving unwanted explosive systems (under US DOD Demilitarization process)

Environmental Project Activities

1982 – 1991, Exxon Research and Engineering Company

• Experience in all phases of FT fixed bed and slurry reactor design and operations.

• Assisted in development of FT fixed bed and slurry catalyst

• Responsible for the design, construction and operation of numerous lab and demonstration FT fixed bed, CSTR and 2 bpd slurry bubble column.

• Responsible for the design/construction/operation of fixed/fluid bed high pressure ATR systems.

• Responsible for the development of fundamental parameters associated fluid bed and slurry reactors including the design, construction and operation of high pressure FT slurry mockup representing a 2 bpd system.


Education: BS Chemical Engineering; BA Chemistry University of Rochester (1976) M.S. (1979) and Ph.D., (1982) in Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL


8,748,500 Process for producing transportation fuels from syngas

7,521,585 Recovery of nitramines and TNT from mixtures thereof

7,423,187 Recovery of TNT and RDX from bulk composition B explosives

7,399,329 Process for the production of synthesis gas using an oxygen-containing gas

7,351,751 Autothermal reformer reactor process

7,328,643 Process for accessing munitions using fluid bed technology

6,989,403 Process for regenerating a slurry Fischer Tropsch catalyst

6,812,179 Process for regenerating a slurry Fischer Tropsch catalyst

6,797,243 Structured Fischer Tropsch system and method

6,777,586 Reclaiming RDX and TNT from composition B and Composition B containing military shells

6,319,960 Method for hydrocarbon synthesis reactions

RE37, 406 Surface supported cobalt catalyst, process utilizing these catalyst for the preparation of

hydrocarbons from synthesis gas and process for the preparation of said catalyst.

6,268,536 Conversion of ammonium picrate to various useful chemical products.

6,262,131 Structured Fischer Tropsch catalyst and method.

5,998,676 Conversion of picrate to picric acid in a liquid-liquid two phase system

5,990,354 Conversion of ammonium picrate to m-phenylenediamine, aniline and primary amines.

5,545,674 Surface supported cobalt catalyst, process utilizing these catalyst for the preparation of

hydrocarbons from synthesis gas and process for the preparation of said catalyst.

5,128,377 Cobalt-titania catalyst. Process utilizing these catalyst for the preparation of

hydrocarbons from synthesis and the process for the preparation of said catalyst (C-2448)

4,962,078 Cobalt-titania catalyst. Process utilizing these catalyst for the preparation of

hydrocarbons from synthesis and the process for the preparation of said catalyst

4,762,959 Cobalt catalyst and use thereof for the conversion of methanol and for Fischer Tropsch

synthesis to produce hydrocarbons

4,755,536 Cobalt catalyst and use thereof for the conversion of methanol and for Fischer Tropsch

synthesis to produce hydrocarbons

4,663,305 Cobalt catalyst for the conversion of methanol and for Fischer Tropsch synthesis to

produce hydrocarbons 4,626,552 Process for the startup of a Fischer Tropsch Reactor

4,567,205 Ruthenium catalyst and use thereof for Fischer Tropsch synthesis

4,558,030 Ruthenium-rhenium catalyst on titania support for Fischer Tropsch synthesis

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